Let us show you around Genkai Energy Park!


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We will guide you through Genkai Energy Park in Genkai Town, Saga Prefecture!

Hello, this is Noguchi Tsuyoshi from Noguchubu  (X account @ta0416 )!

This time we will be introducing you to Genkai Energy Park in Genkai Town, Saga Prefecture!

Conclusion: "It was a very educational place that was free to enjoy! The kids had a great time too! Personally, I thought the Kyushu Furusatokan was great!"

This time we decided to go for a drive! So we went for a drive from Nagasaki to Genkai Town in Saga Prefecture!

▼Let us introduce it to you!

Let us show you around Genkai Energy Park!

I will definitely do this!

Genkai Energy Park Stamp Rally

There is also a stamp rally, so the kids can join in!

Genkai Energy Park

This is a model of a nuclear reactor!

Genkai Energy Park

There are many different things on display!

There are so many things I can't introduce them all.

Genkai Energy Park

There are many other exhibits besides nuclear power generation.

Genkai Energy Park

It's just amazing!

Genkai Energy Park

This concludes the time spent learning about nuclear power and electricity at the Genkai PR Center!

From here, we head to the adjacent facility, Kyushu Furusatokan.

▼Kyu Furusatokan

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

If anything, the Kyushu Furusatokan was more excited (laughs).

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

The traditional craft exhibits were all amazing!

▼Hakata's Gion Yamakasa!

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Furusatokan Hakata Gion Yamakasa

Hakata's Gion Yamakasa!

▼Takachiho Kagura

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum Kagura

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Extremely large clogs.


Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Dragonfly is also a very exciting event in

Tournaments are being held all over the country!

▼Nagasaki Kunchi Festival

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

Nagasaki Kunchi will be held from October 7th to 10th, so be sure to come and visit Nagasaki!

▼Karatsu Kunchi Festival

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

There was also a miniature display of the Karatsu Kunchi performances!

Traditional crafts and intangible cultural assets from around the country were on display in a fantastic way!

Genkai Energy Park Kyushu Hometown Museum

I completed the stamp rally and received a Umaibou!!

▼Genkai Energy Park is here

▼YouTube channel here↓

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