Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi


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 Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

[Nagasaki Recommended Gourmet] I ate full order conveyor belt sushi at Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store!

Hello, this is Tsuyoshi Noguchi from Guchubu  (X account @ta0416 )!

Today we would like to introduce you to the classic ``Wakatakemaru'', which is one of the most popular conveyor belt sushi restaurants in Nagasaki!

Conclusion: “I really like Wakatakemaru! You can enjoy the delicious fish from Nagasaki, my hometown!”

This time, images of Wakatakemaru's sushi keep coming up on my X (former Twitter) timeline, so I want to try this! That's why I visited!

It is like this!

▼Now let me introduce you!

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

First, please wait in the waiting room.

There were a lot of people today too (lol)

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

After waiting for a while, I was guided to a table.

The table feels a little small for 4 adults, but it's not a problem!

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

Then order and arrive!

Blackfin, striped horse mackerel, and yellowfin trevally? kana.

Everything is delicious!

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi


Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

My favorite green foods will follow!

Shime mackerel!

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

Tempura Festival!

The tempura this time was well fried!

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi


I love kids!

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

Battera, grilled battera!

This time too! good!

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

Grilled salmon!

This is also very popular at Wakatakemaru!

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

Battera, Toro Tekka, Grilled Battera!

Everything is delicious!

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

Grilled oysters!

It's irresistible for oyster lovers.

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

I felt like eating futomaki, so I ordered futomaki and tekkamaki.

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

This is Bintoro.

This is also delicious.

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

The grilled Battera was delicious and I would order it again!

How many times have I ordered it? (lol)

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

Thanks for the meal! !

Wakatakemaru Nagasaki main store | Full order conveyor belt sushi

As always, I was very satisfied!

The taste seems to be slightly different depending on the store (maybe it's just my imagination (lol))

It's fun and delicious no matter when you come!

thank you very much!

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●Instagram is here: https://www.instagram.com/ta0416/

Thank you for reading until the end!

I look forward to working with you!