What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!


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[World Heritage] What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden! We will guide you to recommended sightseeing and travel destinations in Nagasaki!

Hello, this is Tsuyoshi Noguchi from Guchubu  (X account @ta0416 )!

This time, we will introduce you to Glover Garden, a super famous tourist destination in Nagasaki!

Conclusion: ``Glover Garden is a trigger spot for the Japanese Industrial Revolution and is a must-visit for history buffs!''

Nagasaki was isolated from the country during the Edo period, and Dejima is very famous, but it is also the place where Mitsubishi was founded and Japan's industrial revolution developed significantly!

Although Nagasaki City is the epicenter of the atomic bomb, it has been greatly influenced by the Glover, which was the start of Japan's industrial revolution.

It is also an indispensable place where Ryoma Sakamoto founded Kameyama Shoji!

▼Now, let me introduce you to Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

Glover Garden is located on a slightly higher ground.

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

Children having fun.

Entrance is complete!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

Then take the escalator up and up.

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

I'm still climbing.

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

The scenery keeps getting better.

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

And we arrived!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

I was surprised at how big the carp was (lol)

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

Very nice architecture!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

The scenery is also great!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

This place is also great.

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

To the Glover mansion

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

What is Glover Garden? We will show you around Glover Garden!

To Nagasaki Traditional Art Museum

We will introduce you to the Nagasaki Traditional Performing Arts Center!

We will introduce you to the Nagasaki Traditional Performing Arts Center!

We will introduce you to the Nagasaki Traditional Performing Arts Center!

We will introduce you to the Nagasaki Traditional Performing Arts Center!

We will introduce you to the Nagasaki Traditional Performing Arts Center!

We will introduce you to the Nagasaki Traditional Performing Arts Center!

We will introduce you to the Nagasaki Traditional Performing Arts Center!

It was so much fun!

It's a really recommended tourist destination!

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Thank you for reading until the end!

I look forward to working with you!