I ate a large serving of garlic and spicy sauce at the Yokohama Iekei Ramen at the Ryoma Family Omura Main Store!


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A ramen shop that makes you want to eat a large amount of garlic and spicy sauce in the Yokohama family ramen of the Ryoma family Omura main store!

Hello, this is Noguchi @ ta0416 !

This time, I visited the Yokohama Iekei Ramen Ryoma Family Omura Main Store!

Conclusion "On weekends, it's a ramen shop that makes you want to eat a lot of garlic and spicy sauce!"

I used to visit the Ryoma family Nagasaki store in Nagasaki city and liked it, and this time I visited the Omura main store, so I got permission to shoot the video!

After all, the punchy pork bones of the Yokohama family are really delicious!

Especially for the Ryoma family, you can choose "soy sauce" or "salt", and I like the seasoning of "salt".

Also, on weekends, I really want to eat my favorite "garlic", so I'm really happy to be able to add plenty of garlic.

My wife warns me that it smells like garlic, but I wonder why garlic is so addictive (laughs).

Can not stop.

It's a recommended ramen shop that you really want to eat several times a month!

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Exterior photo of the Ryoma family A large serving of garlic and spicy sauce on the Yokohama family ramen at the Omura main store!

Ryoma family menu A large serving of garlic and spicy sauce on the Yokohama family ramen at the Omura main store!

Ryoma family menu A large serving of garlic and spicy sauce on the Yokohama family ramen at the Omura main store!

Ryoma family menu A large serving of garlic and spicy sauce on the Yokohama family ramen at the Omura main store!

Ryoma family menu A large serving of garlic and spicy sauce on the Yokohama family ramen at the Omura main store!

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