I've been enjoying sake at the Hamaguchimachi izakaya "Tetsubaru Aun"!


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 I've been enjoying sake at the Hamaguchimachi izakaya "Tetsuaru Aun"

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I've been enjoying sake at the Hamaguchimachi izakaya "Tetsuaru Aun"!

Hello Noguchi @ ta0416 is!

Today, I've been enjoying sake with Tetsubaru Aum!

Conclusion: Sake is really delicious! However, although the cost performance is bad, I can't stop!

This time, I saw this tweet and reacted.

Ura Nabeshima ww

I definitely wanted to drink it, so I visited Tetsubaru Aun.

Rather, I was offered a radio appearance, so I visited for a meeting.

And I got the desired "Ura Nabeshima (Saga Prefecture)"! !!

Ura Nabeshima (Saga Prefecture)

It's delicious! !!

After that, the customers of the shop served Nagano sake!

Nagano sake

This was a nigiri liquor, but it's not sweet and delicious!

I proceeded as it was, and next I received the honorable Kikutsukimitsu (Saga Prefecture).

This is also my favorite sake.

Honorable Chrysanthemum Moonlight (Saga Prefecture)

I am happy that the wonderful flavor spreads in my mouth!

After that, I received a flower bath, Yamada Nishiki (Saitama Prefecture)!

This is also the best one!

Flower bath yang Yamada Nishiki (Saitama Prefecture)

I talked about whether I could get it somehow, but the price is still high. ..

This time I gave up on it.

After that, Manju Izumi Junmaisei (Toyama Prefecture)!

Manju Izumi Junmaisei (Toyama Prefecture)

This was also sharp!

Then Iwao (Gunma Prefecture)!

Iwao (Gunma Prefecture)

This is a heavy traditional sake! It was like that.

And the last is Atago pine (Miyagi prefecture)!

It was a really delicious sake including cospa ww

Atago pine (Miyagi prefecture)

No, I'm happy. .. .. ..

I came home thinking that, but I haven't had any radio meetings, so I'll be appearing on the radio randomly!

Thank you again for today! !!

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