Why do you recommend and like the sake called Kiyama Crane?


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 Why do you like the sake called Motomine Crane?

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Why do you like the sake called Motomine Crane?

Hello Noguchi @ ta0416 is!

I'm addicted to sake lately!

Among them, I frequently repeat and drink Saga Prefecture sake "Kiho Tsuru Super Dry Junmai Sake".

Conclusion "Cheap and delicious! Local sake from my parents' home in Kiyama!"

I'll briefly explain why!

1, cheap and delicious

2, local sake of my mother's parents' house

3, wife also likes

1, cheap and delicious

Generally, Motomine Tsuru Super Dry Junmai Sake can be purchased for around 1,500 yen (tax included). And the taste is good! I seem to like dryness. Recently, I have decided to drink one cup every day, but it's so delicious that I can't help myself. After all, the cost performance is bad as the amount of sake decreases, so it is highly recommended as a cheap and delicious sake.

2, local sake of my mother's parents' house

My mother's parents' home is Kiyama-cho, Miyaki-gun, Saga Prefecture. And Motomine Crane is a local sake that has been around for a long time. At the time of New Year, a bottle of Motomine crane was coming out. I have a strong attachment to Motomine Crane, including memories from ancient times, and I buy it to support local sake.

3, wife also likes

This is big! As for the sake I repeat, if my wife doesn't like it, I won't continue to repeat it. My wife also has a little drink, so we have a drink together. I wouldn't repeat if I didn't say "I like it!" At the time of the evening drink, but I can repeat because I like this Motomine Tsuru super dry Junmaishu.

that's all

After all I love the local sake brewery and I am really happy to taste the local sake. Recently, Kiyama liquor store can also buy labels and disseminate information on SNS, so please drink Kiyama Crane and if you sympathize with it, please follow us on SNS as well!

Kiyama Hotel Kiyama Crane

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Why do you like the sake called Kiyama Crane?

Why do you like the sake called Kiyama Crane?

Why do you like the sake called Kiyama Crane?

Why do you like the sake called Kiyama Crane?

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