Click here for Tamana Ramen Owari's menu and opening hours!


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 Click here for Tamana Ramen Owari's menu and opening hours!

Here are the menu and opening hours of Tamana Ramen Owari that I recommend!

Hello, this is Noguchi Tsuyoshi from Noguchubu  (X account @ta0416 )!

This time, we will introduce some recommended restaurants for Tamana Ramen, which is a little different from other Kumamoto ramen!

This is the "Dairin"!

Conclusion: "It's the taste of my youth in middle school and high school (lol). Just by passing by a restaurant, you can smell the stench of pork bones! But at some point, you'll become addicted to the smell!"

When I was in junior high and high school, I lived in Tamana City, Kumamoto Prefecture (called Taimei Town at the time) due to my parents' job transfers!

It's not an incredibly delicious ramen, but it's the taste of my youth that I've been eating since middle school (lol).

It is no exaggeration to say that this restaurant taught me that "smelly = delicious" (lol)

Ever since I was in junior high school, if there was something going on I would go and eat Tamana ramen. There was a ramen boom at the time so I would go around eating ramen, but the Tamana ramen I ate the most and that is still around today is "Daiwa"!

So, please think of "smelly" here as a compliment (lol).

▼Let us introduce it to you!

Exterior photo of Tamana Ramen Owari

The large parking lot can accommodate about 10 cars!

Be careful as it gets crowded on weekends!

Exterior photo of Tamana Ramen Owari

The opening hours of the store are as follows!

▼Dainawa's business hours (from Google Maps)




● Thursday
Closed Day


● Saturday

● Sunday

Please note that we are closed on Thursdays!

Photo of the exterior and lantern of Tamana Ramen Owari

The entrance to Tamana Ramen Owari

Now let's go inside the store.

Inside Tamana Ramen Owari

Inside Tamana Ramen Owari

The restaurant has about 10 seats at the counter and three four-seater tables.

But it stinks (lol)←I mean that as a compliment

▼Tamana Ramen Owari menu

Menu of Tamana Ramen Owari

In the past, there was no such thing as spicy miso, but it seems to exist now.

I usually order a large portion of ramen, but this time I ordered a simple ramen!

I'm really looking forward to it (lol)

▼Tamana Ramen Owari Ramen

Ramen from Tamana Ramen Owari

When your ramen arrives, you will be asked "Would you like garlic?" so answer "Thank you!"

This garlic really hasn't changed in the last 20 years (laughs).

▼Tamana Ramen Owari's Scorched Garlic

Tamana Ramen Owari's Burnt Garlic Ramen

I definitely recommend adding this roasted garlic!

However, the pork bone smell is too strong (lol)←I mean that as a compliment lol

▼ Tamana Ramen Owa straight noodles

Tamana Ramen Owari's straight noodles

This is it!!

Straight noodles!!

It smells really good lol ← I mean that as a compliment lol

Tamana Ramen Owari's straight noodles

Once you've enjoyed the noodles, move on to the soup!

▼Tamana Ramen Owari ramen soup

Ramen soup from Tamana Ramen Owari

Ahhh it stinks lol

It stinks in a really good way!!!

▼Tamana Ramen Owari's char siu

Tamana Ramen Owari's char siu

Char siu with all the flavor removed (lol)

On the contrary, this looks great!!

Ahhh, I love it!!

▼ Finished

Finished all the ramen at Tamana Ramen Owari

I will definitely come back to eat again!!

This is a restaurant that will make you want to taste the stinky smell of pork bones!

Exterior photo of Tamana Ramen Owari

Ahhh it stinks (lol)

For me, it's not a delicious restaurant, but it's the ramen of my youth!

However, please come and try this stinky Tamana ramen!!

I'm a big fan of Daiwa, so I'll continue to recommend her (lol)
I'll come back to eat again!!!

▼Instagram is here

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▼Google Maps is here

Japan, 〒869-0222, 207-2 Noguchi, Taimei-cho, Tamana City, Kumamoto Prefecture

▼YouTube channel here↓

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Thank you for reading to the end!

I look forward to working with you!