BABAKE's cold, dry tantan noodles are a highly recommended Nagasaki tourist gourmet dish!


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BABAKE's cold, dry tantan noodles are a highly recommended Nagasaki tourist gourmet dish!

Hello, this is Noguchi Tsuyoshi from Noguchubu  (X account @ta0416 )!

This time, we will introduce you to the cold, dry tantanmen noodles from BABAKE Kozencho store!

Conclusion: "The cold, dry tantanmen noodles at BABAKE that I eat every year are the best, to say the least! Even the extra spicy version is just as delicious!"

Ahhh, so delicious!!
This is a dish that you should definitely try when you come to Nagasaki city!

▼Let us introduce it to you!

Photo of BABAKE's exterior 
Today, there was a heavy rain and flood warning in Nagasaki city, but the weather was sunny so we decided to visit!!
On the other hand, there were not many people so it was good!!

▼Photo of the interior of BABAKE

Photo of the interior of BABAKE 
I was able to sit in the very back seat!
We have children with us, so thank you to the staff for their consideration.

▼BABAKE's cold, dry tantan noodles

BABAKE's cold, dry tantan noodles

Today's goal is this cold, dry tantanmen!!
I usually eat spicy dandan noodles, but this season my only choice is cold dry dandan noodles!!

▼BABAKE Ramen White

BABAKE Ramen White

▼BABAKE ramen black

BABAKE Ramen Black

▼BABAKE spicy tantan noodles

BABAKE Spicy Dandan Noodles

▼BABAKE Dry Dandan Noodles

BABAKE Dry Dandan Noodles

I recommend every menu item!! 

The kids chose black ramen!!

▼BABAKE cold soupless tantan noodles

BABAKE cold tantan noodles without soup

Finally it comes!!
BABAKE cold tantan noodles without soup

 These white onions look great too!

Once that's done, mix thoroughly!!

Mix BABAKE cold dry dandan noodles!
The key is to make sure you get everyone involved!!
Mix BABAKE cold dry dandan noodles!
Let's eat!

First, take a bite!!!

I'll try BABAKE's cold, dry dandan noodles!

So delicious!!!

Your face will look like this!!!

The face I made after eating BABAKE cold, dry dandan noodles!
I'm so impressed!!
This is what I wanted to eat!!
This spiciness and the slight spiciness of the Japanese pepper give it a nice kick!!

The face you make after eating BABAKE's calm, dry dandan noodles!
Seriously delicious!!
It feels super good!!

The face you make after eating BABAKE's calm, dry dandan noodles!

This is a dish I would like to come back to try one more time this year!!
It was the most delicious experience!!
After this, add rice and mix it with the remaining sauce to finish off the meal!!

I'm really impressed after eating this much (lol)

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