Get great deals on bread from Kosakaki Bakery in Kibachi-cho, Nagasaki City with the Cocoron Passport!


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 "Osakaki Bakery" in Kibachi-cho, Nagasaki City

By using my Cocoron Passport, I was able to get a great deal on savory bread at Kosakaki Bakery in Kibachimachi, Nagasaki City!

Hello, this is Noguchi Tsuyoshi from Noguchubu  (X account @ta0416 )!

This time, I bought some savory bread at Kosakaki Bakery in Kibachimachi, Nagasaki City!

Conclusion: "Osakaki Bakery's delicious bread is a great deal, and if you use the Cocoron Passport, you get a 10% discount on purchases over 1,000 yen, so I highly recommend it!"

This time, the kids wanted to go fishing, so we went fishing around Nezumijima from the morning! We didn't catch anything (lol), but we were wondering what to have for lunch? So, they requested to eat bread from the nearby Kosakaki Bakery, so we went there!

I saw a sign that said "Sales start from 11:00!", so I arrived at about 11:15, but there were a lot of people and some of the popular breads were sold out.

But buy the bread you can!

Since we had children with us, we presented our Cocoron Passport and received a 10% discount on purchases over 1,000 yen, so we got a good deal!

I should have gone earlier.

I ate the bread while looking at the ocean and it was delicious!

The slightly sweet flavor was just right!!

▼Country Sand

Kosakaki Bakery Country Sandwich

The country sandwich I ate!

The volume is also nice!

I didn't have any potato salad so I bought this and it was delicious!

Minced meat cutlet and shrimp tartar roll

Kosakaki Bakery Minced Cutlet and Shrimp Tartare Roll

Minced meat cutlet for kids!

I had the shrimp tarr roll, the shrimp was delicious.


Kosakaki Bakery Hamburger

The kids ordered hamburgers!!

It was a little small, but very delicious!

▼Shrimp cutlet burger

Kosakaki Bakery Shrimp Cutlet Burger

My wife's shrimp cutlet burger!

The shrimp was plump and delicious!!

It's half a shrimp tartar roll and a whole shrimp cutlet!

▼Grilled Double Cheese Minced Meat

Kosakaki Bakery Grilled Double Cheese Minced Meat

The cheeseburger also has cheese inside the minced meat, making it a double cheese burger!

My child also gave me a bite of this and it was delicious!!

▼ More donuts

Donuts from Kosakaki Bakery

More donuts than kids order!

It was sweet and very delicious!

Kids love the flavor!

▼ Fried soba bread

Kosakaki Bakery

This Yakisoba bread can be eaten in no time!!

The sweet yakisoba noodles go really well with the bread and are delicious!

▼Melon bread

Kosakaki Bakery Melon Bread

My daughter ate melon bread!

Apparently this was also very delicious!

That's all, but I also wanted to try various other breads, and I also wanted to try the potato salad that I had my eye on!!!

Next time, if I'm in the area, I'll order it again!

In addition, if you present your Cocoron Passport, you can get a 10% discount on purchases over 1,000 yen, so we highly recommend that families with growing children register for a Cocoron Passport before visiting!!

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I look forward to working with you!