Shirakimine Plateau: Spring rapeseed flower fields! In autumn, the cosmos fields are a spectacular spot in Nagasaki!

Hello, this is Noguchi Tsuyoshi from Noguchubu  (X account @ta0416 )!

This time we will be showing you the spring rapeseed fields of Shirakimine Plateau in Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture!

Conclusion: "Cosmos in autumn! Rape blossoms in spring! And in late March, you can enjoy the spectacular view of cherry blossoms in bloom!"

Previously, I uploaded a video and blog of the cosmos fields!

▼Click here for the blog of Shirakimine Highlands Cosmos Field↓

▼Click here for a video of the Shirakimine Highlands cosmos fields↓

As you can see in this video, it's a spectacular location!

The cherry blossoms will soon be in full bloom, so please come and visit!

▼Let us introduce it to you!

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

I think the cherry blossoms you can see in the background will be in bloom soon.

This is already a spectacular view, but it will be complete when the cherry blossom in the center blooms.

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

It's truly a spectacular spot!

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

It gets even more amazing when the cherry blossoms bloom!!

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

It was really beautiful!!

The rapeseed fields are also amazing!

Introducing the spring rapeseed flower fields of Shirakimine Plateau!

I really enjoyed it!

This time we visited in the afternoon, but I think it would be great to go for a picnic in the morning!

Be sure to visit when the cherry blossoms are in bloom!

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I look forward to working with you!