I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!


Aquarium Nagasaki city Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium Nagasaki tourism Nagasaki trip penguin sightseeing trip

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I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, which I have visited many times, so I would like to show you around!

Hello, this is Tsuyoshi Noguchi from Guchubu  (X account @ta0416 )!

This time, we will introduce you to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, which is loved by Nagasaki citizens and penguin lovers!

Conclusion: ``Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium is a sacred place for penguin lovers, where you can see 9 species of penguins, the most in Japan!''

I also visited Nagasaki on a school trip as a junior high school student and have been working with them ever since, so we have been working with Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium for nearly 30 years!

You have to travel a bit from Nagasaki Station, but please come and visit us!

▼Now let me introduce you!

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

I parked in the parking lot and paid a parking fee of 200 yen!

From the parking lot, walk through the nature experience zone for about 5 minutes and head to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium!

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

It's a place where you can feel the seasons!

This time, there were also tadpoles (lol)


I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

Arrived at Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium!

Adult: 520 yen, child: 310 yen!

Then enter! !

Sardine? ? ? ?

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

Is it food? . .

And the penguin will come to pick you up as if you were flying!

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

Aquarium! !

Buri! Quest! (Looks delicious lol)

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

What is it, Kolya? ? ? ?

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

It was a starfish. . .

This is a porcupine fish!

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

And a penguin! ! !

pen pen

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

Utsubo too!

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

Horseshoe crabs too!

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

There are some fish with funny faces that I don't know what they are. .

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

*This is a bigger fish than the children.

<Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium Information>
The Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium is home to one of the world's largest freshwater fish, the Prabuk (Mekong giant catfish). Phra Buk, which means "big fish" in Thai, is a fish that lives only in the Mekong River. When it grows up, it can reach a total length of 3m and a weight of 300kg, making it a valuable fish that can only be found in three places in Japan.

Yeah yeah! ! ! ! This is amazing (lol)


I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

Mr. Penguin

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

So cute lol

After that, as we proceeded, we found penguin bones!

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

It's amazing in so many ways.

And then there's the space where kids can play! !

These two rare items were on display there!

Oarfish! !

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

Sea turtle! !

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

And back on track again

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

We also have a ranking of penguin favorites!

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!


This this! !

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

I saw a giant sea turtle when I came on a school trip as an elementary school student! ! !

It continues to remain in my memory! !

And the sea in Nagasaki is beautiful! !

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

This is a commemorative photo taken on March 9, 2024!

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

I think the kids will remember it when they come here again!

It was super good! ! It's a place of memories! !

I went to the Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium, so I would like to tell you about it!

Generally speaking, you can visit everything in about 40 to 60 minutes!

Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium was a lot of fun!

it was fun! ! !

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In addition to YouTube, I also work hard on Google's local guide and other SNS!
Please check it out and follow us too! !

●Click here for the blog: https://www.nogu.biz/

●Click here for X: https://x.com/ta0416

●Instagram is here: https://www.instagram.com/ta0416/

Thank you for reading until the end!

I look forward to working with you!