Icebreaker Shirase arrives at Nagasaki Port for the first time in five years! I've been to the public!


icebreakercategory Icebreakernewscategory IcebreakerShiraseCategory MaritimeSelf-DefenseForceCategory Nagasakicategory NagasakiPortCategory NagasakiTourismCategory newscategory shipcategory

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Icebreaker Shirase arrives at Nagasaki Port for the first time in five years! I've been to the public!

Hello, this is Noguchi @ta0416 !

This time, we will introduce the "Icebreaker Shirase", which has arrived at Nagasaki Port for the first time in five years!

Conclusion "The overwhelming presence and the presence of pushing through the Antarctic ice is a wonderful word!"

This time, on September 10th and 11th, 2022, I went to Nagasaki Mizubenomori Park because the icebreaker Shirase will be docked at Nagasaki Port!

This time, it will be open to the public at Nagasaki Port for the first time in five years.

Also, inside the Shirase ship, the Helicopter, Antarctic rocks, and Antarctic ice were on display, so the children were very excited!

A video of the Antarctic research was played on the projector inside the Shirase ship, where you could watch the video of the Shirase breaking through the Antarctic ice. rice field.

Nagasaki Mizubenomori Park, which was held this time, is located in the center of Nagasaki, and it is really convenient to visit because famous ships like the icebreaker Shirase are anchored here!

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▼Icebreaker Shirase

In front of the icebreaker Shirase

From behind the icebreaker Shirase

▼Icebreaker Shirase Open to the Public

Icebreaker Shirase opens to the public at Nagasaki Port

Icebreaker Shirase opens to the public at Nagasaki Port

A Helicopter was also displayed on board.

I like this helicopter too!

Icebreaker Shirase opens to the public at Nagasaki Port

Icebreaker Shirase open to the public at Nagasaki Port Antarctic stone

What an Antarctic stone! !

Icebreaker Shirase open to the public at Nagasaki Port Antarctic ice

And we found ice in Antarctica!

I could even touch it.

icebreaker news card

Get the Icebreaker Shirase Card!

Family photo on the icebreaker Shirase

Finally a family photo!

It was really cool!

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Thank you for watching until the end!

I look forward to working with you!