What is a Digital Ponzi Scheme Scam?

About the Digital Ponzi Scheme Scam

What is the Digital Ponzi Scheme?

First, what is a Ponzi scheme?

Ponzi scheme (British: Ponzi scheme) is a fraud, especially while claiming that "the invested funds will be managed and the profits will be returned to the investors (as dividends, etc.)" , without actually managing the funds, by disguising the newly collected money from the investors who join later to the previous investors as "dividends", it is as if profits are generated by the investment of the funds, It is something that pretends to distribute the profits to the investors. It is classified as a type of investment fraud, falls into a state called "bicycle operation" in Japanese, and eventually goes bankrupt.
From Wikipedia above

...the story of a digital version of a Ponzi scheme that rocked the world.

Summer 202X. cicada cry

Haruma: "Yosh!"

cried Halma.

Two years ago, Haruma listened to a story from his friend Souma, and invested $100 (about 14,000 yen) in the virtual currency “NoGu Coin,” which is expected to boom in the future. I decided to buy it through the site.

Rumors spread that it was what it was, and the number of purchase reports via SNS from super masters, YouTubers, and entertainers increased, and it was also featured on TV news.

At first, journalists also warned about it, but as the purchase amount reached a new record high, the number of those who warned decreased.

Even after the purchase two years ago, Halma invested most of his monthly salary and bonuses in "NoGu Coin" and was fully committed.

as a result

When he saw that 1 NoGu coin reached $10,000 (approximately 14 million yen), he was overjoyed.

What a 100 times the purchase price at the time! !

The money invested was about 2 million yen, but the total assets exceeded 100 million yen in just two years!

Haruma: Oh! With this, I still have a chance! With this, I can become a millionaire! NoGu coin developer "Takeshi Noguchi" is really a genius! 

Takeshi Noguchi is said to be "the creator of the virtual currency NoGu coin", but although the name "Takeshi Noguchi" exists, he is called an unidentified genius engineer, and his true identity is currently unknown. . The cryptocurrency NoGu coin appeared ten years ago and was owned by few people at the time. .

Halma: That's not all. The number of NoGu coins is scheduled to decrease by 10% on a yearly cycle, so the scarcity value will continue to increase in the future! smile)"

Halma continued to invest in virtual currency more and more.

Two years later, NoGu coin developer Takeshi Noguchi was arrested on suspicion of committing the world's largest digital Ponzi scheme scam.

After that, NoGu coins became worthless at once.

This is the news that the “digital Ponzi scheme scam” has rocked the world.


I had a delusion that...

*This content is fictional.
Please note that the virtual currency, content, and people that appear in this text are all fiction.