First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa! Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!


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Visit an insect food vending machine and buy sweets at Okashino Furukawa!

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I went to visit an insect food vending machine and buy sweets at Okashino Furukawa!

Hello, this is Noguchi @ ta0416 !

Introducing this time, I went to Okashino Furukawa in Omura City!

Conclusion "I think I have to eat insects someday, but this time I visited because of the influence of Pink Horiuchi Omura Channel! "

The reason why I visit Okashino Furukawa in Omura City is here (laughs).
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video was uploaded on Pink Horiuchi Omura Channel " by Mr. Pink Horiuchi of the Nagasaki YouTuber Association, and I happened to stop by Omura Park for the Omura Iris Festival, so I went a little further and visited!

Like Mr. Pink Horiuchi, I wasn't preparing this time, so I didn't eat it, but someday I'll have to eat it (punishment games, videos, etc.). I feel that.

I took a picture with only the vending machine, so here it is.

First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

Even though it costs 1000 yen per piece, "It's popular and it's not in time for production !?"

It is a food that feels high performance energy.

"I will forgive you this time ..."

So (looking from above),

I went to Okashino Furukawa's candy corner, bought candy with my children, and went home!

Okashino Furukawa also sells a variety of sweets, so adults can also enjoy buying sweets, so please stop by!

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First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

First in Nagasaki Prefecture with Okashino Furukawa!  Visit the insect food vending machine and buy sweets!

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