40 years old soon! 5 good things to do by the minimalist Lafor



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 40 years old soon!  5 good things to do by Alafor!

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40 years old soon! 5 good things to do by the minimalist Lafor! Kids, marriage, savings, stocks, favorite things!

Hello Noguchi @ ta0416 is!

I will be 40 years old soon! This is Alafor (laughs)

not yet! Even though I thought, time went by in a blink of an eye.

From the quote of Purgatory Anjuro
"Even if you stop and get caught, the flow of time won't stop. Don't be sad to snuggle up together."

That's right, and I'm already 40 years old in no time.

This time, I would like to describe "what was good to do" by the minimalist Rafor, including my 40 years of experience.

<5 good things to do>

1, children

2, getting married

3, save money

4, to start a stock

5, do what you like

6, extra edition

Let me explain in detail!

1, children

I have 3 kids and they are really great!

If anything, I would like to receive one or three more people!

That's what I think is my grandmother's funeral!

The year after I got married to my current wife (maybe I was 26 years old), when my grandmother passed away at the age of 79 and went to the funeral home, the funeral home was full of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, including myself. It's a place, but children play and cry. .. When I saw a very lively funeral, I swore to my heart, "I want to die with so many children!"

As a living thing, I remember realizing the simple and natural thing of "prosperity of descendants" that "life and death" was realized by "life of children playing" and "death of grandmother who stopped moving at all". I will.

The death of a person is 100% fixed.

That is why living is precious.

What can you do while you are alive? When I think about it, I feel that it was really good to have a child just because I had a child and had my alter ego.

Also, by continuing to tell the children about "prosperity of descendants," I hope that they will understand the value and importance of having children.

And if you can see the children and grandchildren of the children, it should be the best life and the best funeral when I die, just like my grandmother.

2, getting married

I mentioned "children" in 1, but for that reason, I feel that "marriage" was really good to do early.

I'm crazy, but I'm really grateful to my wife for the second marriage!

Even if it's a minus to get married, that's fine.

"Difference in values" That's it.

I might want to consider getting married early if anyone thinks that being a family with this person will make me happy.

Otherwise, time will pass quickly and you will miss your chance.

Even shotgun weddings are now being welcomed.

Marriage requires you to be aware of your marriage and to jump in.

I think it's better to get married early, even if you have a hard time.

I was married 30 years ago and I'm really happy!

3, save money

It's about saving money, but it's also safe to say that you don't waste money.

I often used my money to regret it.

For example, branded goods, luxury goods, bars, liquor (I can't quit this), cigarettes, gambles, rip-off insurance, fraudulent products, diet foods, supplements, etc. It was (I am not a liquor w).

In the past, I used to care about how it looked and what it was expensive to wear, but it didn't really mean anything to relationships or work.

Because people are not so interested in others.

On the contrary, if you have such money, you should use it to accumulate more meaningful knowledge, improve your skills, and invest.

Also, when I'm nearly 40 years old, I feel that spending money on filial piety is very good.

Let's spend money to filial piety early to parents who have invested without any hesitation!

Parents will eventually disappear.

Before that, I will do what I can to do filial piety little by little.

We also recommend the following two ways to save money.

1, lose the TV!

2, Block all SNS ads!

The reason is that advertising and media are professionals in selling advertising.

People in the advertising industry are always thinking about how they can "hack (control)" people.

I'm always thinking about how I can take away a person's 24 hours and make a profit.

Anyway, don't buy useless things! Not bought! Don't be influenced by the media or advertising, spend money on things that are really valuable, not prices or brands, and don't spend a yen on things that aren't worth it! You can save (protect) money steadily by gaining judgment that allows you to make effective use of money.

It is very important to develop that judgment and to be aware of it.

4, to start a stock

When it comes to investing, we recommend that you start with "financial literacy" at a really early stage.

The ability to save money is essential to start investing in stocks.

If possible, as soon as you work! Or as soon as you are born! It is recommended to start.

If anything, it is "as soon as you are born!"

I will omit this because it will be long to explain, but I have also started an investment trust.

I will buy stocks in the future, but I think stock investment is "bad", isn't it? I was thinking.

However, after gaining knowledge, I learned that if I am convinced and make a long-term investment (20 years or more), it will be extremely rare to fall below the principal, depending on the purchased product. * For details, please search and study by yourself!

In addition, securities companies make a profit by taking commissions, so it is possible to reduce commissions as much as possible for online securities with extremely low commissions.

Since labor costs, store costs, etc. are incurred at a securities company in a physical store, it is necessary to charge a commission for that amount, so please think that it will not be close to your profits.

Instead of "scary, don't do it because you don't know", we recommend that you study hard, make long-term investments early, and gain the knowledge to use the power of compound interest to form assets.

By doing so, it is possible to create a state where money works together with your own work, so please try it!

5, do what you like

Start immediately what you like and want to do!

Yes, I died before I did it and left it behind! Because it means that.

The reason why I came up with this idea is the death of my brother.

My brother died of a brain tumor when I was in the 4th grade of elementary school.

From that experience, I realized that if I didn't do what I wanted to do, people wouldn't realize that death was always nearby and that living wasn't the norm.

As with anything, it is an era of "winning what you did" and "winning what you experienced".

That knowledge and experience becomes knowledge that can be told to others.

The best thing to do is not to start with "I want to do that!" Or "I want to do this!"

If there is something that interests me, such as YouTube, blogs, SNS, drinking parties, events, investments, etc., I first search for it to study and start as soon as possible.

If the merit is the content, stop.
Continue if there is merit!

Like! Let's see what you think and what you care about for the first time! about it.

By all means, let's experience more and more what you like and care about before you turn 40!

6, extra edition

It is one of the themes of the never-ending debate about the house, "rent or own?"

There are various values, but I'm glad I didn't buy my home.

Currently, I am renting for rent, but I often hear that you can buy your own home for the rent, but it is a difficult situation.

It may change in the future, but ...

However, having a loan (debt, debt) of tens of millions of yen is not recommended in modern times.

Also, since the commonplace of the past is about to change in the "new normal era," I wouldn't take out a loan at this time, borrow money from a bank, and continue to pay.

I also have my parents'house in Tosu City, but I heard that I bought Tosu's parents' house with cash.

So I didn't pay any loans or fees, so I bought it without paying interest (parents).

In my opinion, retire and live here! I think that timing is enough, and I think that it is okay to rent it forever.

I recommend spending money on what you want to do without constantly raising your standard of living.

This time is over.

We have introduced 5 selections + extra editions that were good to have done by Alafor!

People's values ​​are different!

It's interesting with 10 people and 10 colors, so please judge it from my point of view!

▼ I also do YouTube! 

Thank you for watching until the end!

I look forward to working with you!