Dispose of garden trees! Minimalists don't even put things in the yard!



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 Dispose of garden trees!  Minimalists don't even put things in the yard!

Dispose of garden trees! Minimalist does not put anything in the garden

Hello Noguchi @ ta0416 is!

Minimalist refers to people who live with the least necessary things, but try not to carry everything around you and spend money on what you need.

This is true not only inside the house but also outside the house.

This time, I will talk about garden trees outside the house.

Conclusion " Dispose of all garden trees! Don't spend time on pruning and maintenance of garden trees! "

If you are aiming to be a minimalist, please refer to it when you buy a new building or a used house.

The other day, I disposed of all the garden trees in my parents' house so that fences and grass would not grow. It cost about 1.5 million yen.

I think some of your homes have blindfolded trees planted in the garden, but I didn't need them and I thought it was a waste of time to maintain them, so I disposed of them all.

I will explain why it is no longer necessary, including my experience and the part of the aging society.

How about using it as a reference when you buy a new house or a used house?

● Wasteful days of spending time and effort pruning garden trees

The reason I spent 1.5 million yen to dispose of it was my father's death.
I don't know if my dad loves garden trees, but he spends his time pruning the garden trees as they grow more and more from spring to summer.

I'm not interested in garden trees at all, and my wife doesn't like gardening, or because she doesn't like insects, she doesn't want to garden. Moreover, weeding is a way of spending time that I definitely don't want to do, and I and my wife are the same.

However, I couldn't dispose of it because I had a father, so I disposed of everything in the wake of my father's death this time.

This is something I've been telling my dad for a long time, but he didn't listen, he spent his precious time caring for the garden and spending his limited life.

I don't think it's a waste, but there were other ways to spend time. .. I think.

● Waste of disposal costs for all garden trees in my parents' house

My parents' house has a splendid garden and is usually large. When I bought the house, it was a small garden tree, but after standing for more than 10 years, it became a decent tree.

I needed some maintenance, and I spent some time selecting the trees that would grow in vain, but it was really wasted time, so I told him to dispose of it, but I couldn't do it while my father was there. It was in a state.

I think I wasted 10 years on maintaining the trees in the garden.

After that, my father died, and I quickly disposed of the garden trees and estimated the blindfold fence from three companies, and I disposed of it and installed the fence, but it cost about 1.5 million yen in total and I wasted a lot of money. .. We think.

The reason why I disposed of the trees in the garden is that it takes time to keep growing and maintaining it forever.

You might think, "It's okay to keep growing!", But when my father is gone and my mother (70 years old) is the only one in my parents' house, and when trees grow, my mother has to select the trees by herself. You will not be able to go. And forever. .. ..

If you can't, you'll have to ask a gardener to pay for the selection every year.

What a useless routine! .. ..

I sometimes go home from Nagasaki to Saga, but as the number of children's events increases, I can't go home every week.

So I persuaded my mother to dispose of all the trees.

This way, you don't have to think about pruning the tree and it's more efficient.

It cost about 1.5 million yen, but I'm really glad I got rid of it.

Nowadays, dogs are running around in a large yard.

Rather, don't plant trees from the beginning! You may regret it later, so when you buy a new or used house, we recommend that you buy the house considering the future and the disposal of garden trees.

For reference, it was the experience of the minimalist Guchubu Tsuyoshi Noguchi!

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