I walked back from Nagasaki Kaido 120km Tosu City, Saga Prefecture to my home in Nagasaki!


nagasaki saga

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I walked back from Nagasaki Kaido 120km Tosu City, Saga Prefecture to my home in Nagasaki! Is sinking!

Hello Noguchi @ ta0416 is!

This time, as described below, I couldn't mutter on Twitter because of the diet plan that I got closer to. .

Conclusion "Noguchi could only walk about 32km ww"

The muscle pain was really bad and the next day was ridiculous. But this experience is also a life experience! Forward ww

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See のぐちゅー野口剛♓️長崎YouTuber会 副会長 Googleローカルガイドレベル10 UGC隊長's other Tweets

いやー 甘くみてましたよ。昔の人は改めてスゴいとおもいました😂
See のぐちゅー野口剛♓️長崎YouTuber会 副会長 Googleローカルガイドレベル10 UGC隊長's other Tweets

I was sunk in this way.

Either revenge! !

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Thank you in the future.

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you until the end! !