[Question] The review of Liquid Hack is really true!
Hello Noguchi @ ta0416 is!
This time, we are examining a liquid coating film that is applied to the screen of a smartphone called LIQID hack.
This time, we are examining a liquid coating film that is applied to the screen of a smartphone called LIQID hack.
Conclusion “The effect of Liquid Hack (LIQUID) was real! It did not break even when hit with a hammer!”
I was really surprised, so please watch the video.
At first, I thought it would break at some point, but it wasn't anything other than that.
In the video, the wife was hitting harder than me with a hammer that was too suspicious.
▼ Post to twitter with too much surprise
動画はこちらこそ↓ youtu.be/r8MfyCuP6_I#リキッドハック #liquidhack #liquid_hack #ガラスコーティング #スマホカバー #スマホ画面コーティング
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長崎県150周年おめでとう!Googleローカルガイドレベル10's other Tweets

塗るスマホコーティング剤のリキッドハックがマジですごい! #LIQUID_hack
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After shooting this video, when I hit it harder with a hammer, it broke down. As with anything, it must pass too much.
However, the durability is really great! !
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