Zenfone5 ZE620KL Explains display replacement and battery replacement!



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Zenfone5 (ZE620KL) Explains display replacement and battery replacement!

Hello Noguchi ( Atto Ta0416 is)! Zenfone5 ZE620KL Explains how to replace the display. If the display can be replaced, the battery can be replaced.

Conclusion: Time required is about one and a half hours! Anyone can do it by referring to the video!

As I wanted to do display exchange and battery exchange once, I tried this time. Since it was easier than expected, I will guide you.However, this breaks the smartphone display, and it feels like there are more than 10 times. .

And this is the Zenfone5 ZE620KL that has been dropped and cracked.

▼ Zenfone 5 dropped and cracked

Broken Zenfone5 ZE620KL display replacement

▼ Repair kit purchased at Amazon this time

Zenfone5 ZE620KL display exchange kit

Amazon also has different manufacturers, so please choose your own.

▼ Contents of Zenfone5 ZE620KL display repair kit

Zenfone5 ZE620KL display exchange kit

Let's start!

▼ First, warm up with a dryer to loosen the bond!

Warm with Zenfone5 ZE620KL dryer.

▼ Create a gap while pulling by adsorption

Zenfone5 ZE620KL display replacement

▼ When there is a gap, peel off the adhesive

Zenfone5 ZE620KL display replacement

And I forgot to take a picture, but the picture with the black cover removed is a ↓. 

There are fine screws, so be careful not to lose them. 

The black cover is also glued, and it is hard to peel off.

▼ Black cover removed

Zenfone5 ZE620KL with black cover removed

▼ In addition, the main base and the camera part are removed

Zenfone5 ZE620KL main board removed

Use the latest caution when removing screws. 

After that, remove the black cover of the charging connection.

▼ The state where the black cover of the charging connection part is removed.

Remove the Zenfone5 ZE620KL charger connection cover

Up to this point, the battery can be replaced when it comes.

▼ The state that removed the effect of cracking

Zenfone5 ZE620KL display replacement State that took a broken display

All you have to do is replace the display, and the screws and connectors you have taken so far can be installed to complete the repair. 

The time required is about one hour. This time, it took about an hour and a half because I was working on a movie. 

Since I am shooting this video, please see the video for more details.

▼ Click here for this video ↓

Thank you for watching to the end! 

Thank you in the future 😁


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Thank you!