[World Heritage] The children are excited at the VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site!


saga World Heritage

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[World Heritage] The children are excited at the VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site!

[World Heritage] The children of Mietsu Naval Station VR experience was very excited!Summer vacation recommended!

Hello Noguchi ( Atto Ta0416 is)! This time, I went to the Mietsu Naval Station in Saga Prefecture! I think that it was the correct one to have stopped by a flash and saw. So we had a very good experience for free, so we will report!

Conclusion: The children are excited by the VR experience!

As the Mietsu Naval Station is the site, there is nothing really.However, I could feel the scene at that time by putting VR and a voice guide there! My wife and I both enjoyed it very much, but more than that, it was a child! As it is summer vacation from now on, how about visiting by all means!

Then I will guide you.

▼ Google map is here

▼ Let's check Twitter reviews

I heard for the first time, "What is the holy place pilgrimage site?" I learned later. 

I also knew that it was registered as a World Heritage Site, so let's visit to go nearby!

Let's go! !

First of all, go into the " Sano ordinary people's memorial " built next door and stop at the parking lot.

▼ Entrance to the Sano Permanent People Memorial Hall

Mietsu Naval Station and Sano Permanent Citizen Memorial Hall

▼ About Mietsu Naval Station and Sano Permanent Citizens Memorial Information

Guide to the area around the Mietsu Naval Station and the Sano Permanent Citizen Memorial Hall

▼ First you will be guided the video ↓

Mietsu Naval Station and Sano Permanent Citizen Memorial Hall

It was about 5 minutes of video and explanations, but I enjoyed the feeling of spinning around!

Then go upstairs.

Mietsu Naval Station and Sano Permanent Citizen Memorial Hall

And we apply for receptionist VR of the second floor!

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

Here is the equipment of the VR.

Put the earphones on your right ear.

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

And since there are six check points and numbers are assigned, it is actually starting to move on foot.

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

Children who go out of the Sano Permanent People's Museum and look for check points. 

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

It does not matter that there is an appearance board.

▼ Check point 1

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

As you approach the checkpoint,

Bruch! Oh! !

When it approaches a checkpoint, vibs from the device of VR. .

Since audio flows along with it, you can enjoy the video while wearing the VR device and listening to the audio.

Let's go ahead!

At this point, the kids are having great fun!

▼ Check point 2

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

[World Heritage] VR experience of Mietsu Naval site Funaya district

[World Heritage] VR experience of Mietu Naval Station

▼ Check point 3

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

▼ Check point 4

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

▼ Check point 5

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

▼ Check point 6

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

that's all!

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

It is a very interesting experience and I am satisfied! 

What kind of image flows is by all means fun from coming to the Mietsu Naval Site! 

After that, go to the observation deck where you can see the check point that you went up to the third floor of the Sano Permanent People Memorial Hall and went around just before.

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

▼ Check point 7 ※ bonus

[World Heritage] VR experience of the Mietsu Naval Site

There should be 6 checkpoints, but there are 7 checkpoints, so please don't miss out! 

Although photography was prohibited on the third floor, the World Heritage materials are on display, so please stop by!

▼ You are also doing YouTube!

Thank you for watching to the end! 

Thank you in the future こ れ


In addition to YouTube, Google's local guide, that SNS is also working hard! Please check this too! !

> Blog here: https://www.nogu.biz/ 

> YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/ta0416 

> Twitter here: https://twitter.com/ta0416 

> Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/ta0416/ 

> Facebook is here: https://m.facebook.com/ta0416ta 

Thank you!