What is the cost of moving a minimalist family? Business choice, abandonment, net line


moving nagasaki

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This time, I will be moving, so I will briefly introduce it as a note. 
It will be described if it is helpful to everyone considering moving.

Conclusion: Moving fee: 61,580 yen (tax included) ※ One K type truck, moving installation of washing machine, and more.

※ As prices are different, be sure to make a quote! 

<This situation>

・ Moving children in school districts

⇒Because you are moving in a situation where you do not need to transfer procedures very much, please be aware that it is different from moving to a distant place.

・ 2 adults, 3 children eldest child in elementary school

・ Because I want to double as disposal of things

・ Moving in the neighborhood in Nagasaki city

▼ Four things to consider before moving this time

1 Do you ask a moving company or a friend acquaintance?

Throw away 2 things

3 How to do home appliances

How to do 4 net connection

I will guide you in order!

1 Do you ask a moving company or a friend acquaintance?

Conclusion: Ask the moving company for a great answer! I asked for a moving center. Price: 61,580 yen (tax included), 1 K type truck, moving installation of washing machine

At first, a friend acquaintance was considering that “I will help you move!”, But it is likely that it will be a big expense because it may cause a breakdown of home appliances by getting help. So I asked a moving company, and as a result, the quality of the company's service was a hit! You should ask for a contractor. At that time, there are various moving companies, so let's compare and consider. Also, it was more convenient to move on a weekday than to move on a weekend. In addition, although it mentions about "3 how to do household appliances" after this, a cooler is the case that installation cost is high in most cases. In addition, when moving a drum-type washing machine, it may be a cause of failure if you do not attach and carry the fixing tool. As you may consign the point to local contractors other than moving companies, let's confirm the point firmly. 

This time, it was possible to move for 61,580 yen (including tax) with all including one K type truck.

Throw away 2 things

Conclusion: Sell or dispose what you don't use anyway!

Anyway, it is important to throw things away. When I pulled out, many things that I did not use at all came out. Anyway, it was converted into money as much as possible by Mercalli, Zimote, Yahoo auction etc. Also, I had no time, so I took it to a recycling shop. In particular, children's toys were disposed of! Why do you still have the old Masked Ladder belt? I bought the one that said that. Still, when it was difficult, the local government disposed it as oversized waste, but it is safe. As we can not catch thing that recycling costs cost, let's have the part pay at money that we purchased at home appliance stores. It is worth noting that it cost me a lot of money when I get it to buy at the recycling shop. It is recommended to have the local government do the disposal because it was really cheap. This time, we disposed of cooler (trader), sofa (local government), disc chair (local government), etc.

▼ Disposal expense in Nagasaki-shi

<Amount of oversized waste sticker> 
・ 1 meter or less in length and 30 kg or less in weight Per piece 514 yen 
・ more than 1 meter more than 2 meters or more than 30 kilograms less than 60 kilograms 1,028 yen per one

3 How to do home appliances

Conclusion: We do not need household appliances to consider moving and taking care of disposal and replacement.

For removal of home appliances at the time of moving, moving companies are often asked to a local contractor. So separately, it was estimated that it would cost around 1 to 30,000 yen with a cooler. The same was true for drum-type washing machines. 
This time I was asked to dispose of the cooler. I used it for about 13 years, and I thought that I would have to clean it before summer this year, so I bought it again as an opportunity, and I got a deal including the cost of disposal. I decided to use it. The electricity bill is also recommended for the latest energy saving!

How to do 4 net connection

Conclusion: Choose to have cash back, free construction costs, etc.! 
   WiMAX was not good for me! 

I am very important to work on the internet. Also, since children also play online games, the communication speed will need to be reasonable. Once I considered WiMAX, it was too slow to be useful. For example, YouTube videos have been up for about an hour and a half, so it's inconvenient for the crowd. Therefore, I consulted with a real estate, had an optical line provider pick up, and made a contract by choosing a place with a lot of cash back and construction cost cheap! Nagasaki has its own cable TV, and made it a Nagasaki Cable Media. As locals also broadcast "festivals", this time we chose including the point dyed in Nagasaki color. It is consumption tax to 4200 yen a month when local TV is seen, too.


What did you think? I think there are many other things to consider when moving, but this time it was like this because it was moving in a neighborhood. 

How about looking at the blog mentioned before referring to it? 

● The basic reason why minimalists don't have anything Don't buy waste! Discard ● Discard 

trash! Minimalist, Simple Life Opinion

Also, I am working hard on YouTube, Google's local guide! As we post video, word of mouth mainly on Nagasaki-shi, please check this! !

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